
Vetiver Grass for Sale in Hawaii

When you buy vetiver grass, are you getting what you pay for?

Vetiver can produce hundreds of starts within a year when grown the right way. And it’s just about as easy as planting grass in rows on contour.

Use our decades of experience to your advantage! We’re happy to pass on our successes to you.

Our vetiver rhizomes have a 5x faster establishment rate compared with vetiver “slips,” because the greater leaf area allows them to produce more food through photosynthesis, which cycles into carbohydrates to feed the roots and surrounding soil. That’s carbon sequestration at its finest!

We sell vetiver grass and do vetiver installations on Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Lanai and Kauai.

Vetiver grass thrives in hardiness zones 9 – 11 and is adapted throughout the Pacific Islands.

Bulk Pricing for Vetiver

Under 100 vetiver starts

Pricing for orders of under 100 vetiver starts is $3.75/vetiver start.

Minimum order: 20 vetiver starts.

Over 100 Vetiver starts

Pricing for orders of over 100 vetiver starts is $3.00/vetiver start.

Over 300 vetiver starts

Pricing for orders of over 300 vetiver starts is $2.75/vetiver start.

Order Today

Order Your Regenerative Vetiver Today!