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Order Your Regenerative Vetiver Grown on Maui Today!

Order Vetiver

Our organic vetiver is grown on Maui using regenerative agricultural practices.

Years experience growing and installing vetiver.

Mg of Carbon vetiver sequesters per year

Depth of vetiver taproot in feet

Why Use Vetiver?

Stop Erosion

Vetiver’s deep taproot can stop erosion in its track when planted along hillsides, roads, rivers, parks, and beaches. Vetiver is a green and economical solution to prevent and control erosion.

Mine Minerals

Vetiver can pull untapped mineral resources from deep underground into its shoots.

Bioremediate contaminated land

Vetiver has been shown to pull contaminants from your soil through its strong root system. Vetiver can clean algae blooms and is proven to reduce nitrate and phosphate levels in wastewater by up to 90%.

Grow Topsoil

Use vetiver grass as compost and mulch to infuse your farm and garden with minerals and nutrients.

Our Mission


We’ve used vetiver to prevent erosion, bioremediate contaminated land, filter and divert water, protect from flooding, and grow living soil — as well as create shelter, clothing, biochar, and so much more. Vetiver can do it all, and we can show you how.


Give people access to high-quality vetiver

After 40 years of installing it across the Hawaiian islands, our vetiver is now available to the public. In that time, we’ve grown acres of vetiver from just a handful of starts. All our vetiver rhizomes are fortified and have a high establishment rate.

See How Vetiver Can Transform Your Garden

You can build some of the richest living soil on earth by using vetiver as a mineral miner to bring up minerals from deep in the subsoil, then transforming it into green manure.

Make A Real Change

Vetiver makes a major difference in your own property, but beyond that, it makes a major difference for our planet! Be apart of the change in an incredibly tangible way by planting something that sequesters Carbon, prevents erosion, and builds topsoil!


When buying vetiver grass starts, what are you getting for the start your paying for?

When you start off with the right type of rhizome, the establishment rate is up to five times faster than starting with a “slip” because the vetiver are able to produce food through photosynthesis by having more leaf area to produce more photosynthesis, and cycle into carbohydrates to feed the roots and surrounding soil.

Vetiver Starts

Order vetiver starts (not “slips”!) so you can get your garden, farm, or property established as quick as possible.

Bulk Vetiver Orders

Order vetiver starts in bulk for your yard, property, and to prevent any potential erosion in steep areas.

Full Vetiver Installations

Hire our team and machines to install your farm or yard with vetiver. We also provide farm designs, so mention if you’re interested when you contact us.

Order Today

Order Your Regenerative Vetiver Today!